Some Prayer Requests

Please Pray for Us

My friend, Eddie Eddings, called me yesterday and asked if I might keep Craig Boyd and his family in prayer.  Eddie not only co-authored Against Calvinism with Jeff Peterson and me, but he also blogs on the web through his humorous site, Calvinistic Cartoons. One long-time contributing commenter to Eddie’s blog has been Craig Boyd, another Reformed blogger who provides Biblical insights at his weblog, Stranger in a Strange Land. Craig was on the operating table yesterday, undergoing surgery for injuries sustained through a very serious accident. Eddie has a few details on his site (CLICK HERE). Please join us in lifting up the Boyd family in your prayers.

We have had several at Sovereign Grace Baptist Church who would be greatly comforted in knowing that many blessed believers have been praying for them:

Eugene P. has been going through several medical tests over the past few months to attempt to diagnose and treat an incredible swelling of his lower legs and feet.  His calves and ankles have swollen to nearly double its normal size. Doctors are still baffled by this. He recently had a bone marrow sample taken and the results should be here available by the end of the week. His wife, Annaliesa, suffers from a lung ailment that was diagnosed late last year in Birmingham as a rare disease that would give her only a few weeks, perhaps months to live. By God’s grace, she is still with us, but often too weak to get out of the house, or even move around.

Charlie O., has had surgery to remove bone spurs from his heel, an operation that requires there be no weight-bearing upon his left leg for at least six weeks, and that he also keep his leg elevated as much as possible to reduce swelling. As his wife, Cheryl, has suffered from fibromyalgia for over forty years, the assistance that Charlie has given Cheryl through her pain and fatigue has been a challenge through this period of surgical recovery.

Billy B., has had several ailments that have kept him from being as active as he would like. He has also been suffering some of the side effects of a medication, which has placed him in bed all last week. His wife, Chris, has also been troubled with stomach ailments, which may have arisen as a result of post-surgery difficulties following the hernia operation she had a few months ago.

James L. sat in the second pew for over a year and finally made a confession of faith in Jesus Christ after the morning service on April 29, 2011. Works unto a true repentance were manifested immediately and evidence of a regenerated, born-from-above life is noticeable, not only to those who have known him for many years, but even to me, who has known him for only a very short time. James will be baptized on July 31, 2011, desiring greatly to follow the Lord Jesus’ example and be obedient to His command. Please pray also for his wife, Jody, who is not a professing believer and has suffered years of witnessing the wicked works of false confessors and hypocritical religionists.

Each one of them mentioned above are seniors, and for some, places an added measure of difficulty to their ailments. God’s blessed providence has brought me to a church where the majority of its members are afflicted physically. I can certainly sympathize more compassionately with those suffering physical ailments than ever could before, and I am very thankful for that.

Please also pray for D.W. and his wife, Cindy, as he is deployed to the war with a Special Forces unit. We are praying for his safe return by the end of the year. We have also been blessed that most Sundays he has been able to join us in worship via the Internet using Skype.

Please pray for me also, that I may plow straight and deeply in His field; that I may remain devoted to Christ Jesus in all things; and that by God’s grace, I may embrace His grace, cling to Christ’s Cross, cleave unto Jesus Christ alone, and do all things heartily as unto Christ, for God’s glory alone.