Revised and Expanded!

Two more chapters containing 30 extra pages is the expansion to this book, Lord, Teach Us to Pray, as well as displaying a new, original cover design and interior art. Again, it is not an exhaustive work on the grace of prayer, yet, it does provide us with the framework for a blessed perspective in prayer. Below is an excerpt from the Preface for the revision:

WHEN IT BECAME certain that we must leave Scammon Bay, Alaska, it seemed there was still much to be done; nevertheless, we surely realized that everything that had already been accomplished was done by the grace of God. All things were in His hands; and from His hand He supplied; by His hand He directed; with His hand He protected and comforted.

I compiled this book very quickly from brief devotional messages and regular sermons I had preached in Alaska. They were compiled about three years after I had delivered the messages, and more than a year after having departed Scammon Bay. When I discovered CreateSpace, for some silly reason I thought I needed to put together as quickly as possible this book so that our beloved Yup’ik brethren could have this ready resource. Yes, I do say “silly” because, after all, was it not God’s grace that brought them to where they are? And was it not God’s grace that would sustain them long after I have gone? Certainly, it was. As a result, I threw the book together, and other books, such as A Puritan Family Devotional, a booklet we had only printed from a cumbersome laser printer in the past. It was my desire to get these books to Alaska as quickly as possible. As a result, some revisions and corrections were in order for just about every book.

This particular book initially failed to address, “Thy Kingdom Come,” which is Chapter Five (“God’s Heavenly Kingdom”) in this revised edition of the book. There were a few typos and some other mistakes. Still, at the time it seemed important to get the materials to the bush, warts and all, just so the saints in Christ would have something.

This revision also includes a new chapter, “Earnest, Agonizing Prayer,” which draws truth from Christ’s prayer at Gethsemane on the night He was betrayed.

There is much, much, much more that could possibly have been included in this revised edition; however, the grace of prayer is a topic that we would take us to many aspects, many areas, and many perspectives for various situations and circumstances. Anyone familiar with books written about prayer might eventually speak of E.M. Bounds, having written an incredible amount on prayer contained in several volumes. With as many books as Mr. Bounds had written, most of those who have read his works will tell us that Bounds was far from exhausting the subject.

Christ taught prayer and so must we. Nevertheless, He was not very long about it. Our beloved Savior spent more time in prayer than He did teaching about it.

If this little book helps even one soul to be drawn more intimately to Christ through prayer, then it was certainly worth revising, and most definitely worth writing in the first place.

May we grow in grace and submit to the Spirit of Christ to strengthen us in faith for God’s sake and unto His greatest glory.